Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 2

2 days...3 states and 1100 miles.  We are now sitting in Tacoma, WA in the parking lot of the Elks, with the heater running in our tent trailer, yes it is a little chilly here tonight.  We had another good drive today, alot of beautifull country.  Scott, Michaele and the kids made it over and we all went out to Famous Daves for dinner, then to Dairy Queen for dessert. It sure was great to see them.  To much time has past since our last visit.  Made a special trip to Wal-Mart and bought the cable for the camera to down load the pics for tonight and it was the wrong size...aaaah bummer!  Tomorrow we are headed up to Kamloops, BC.  Nite all. ;-)

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