Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sat. July 30th - Day 25

Buddy had me up early this morning and we were on the road at 6:40 am and still trying to finish that cinnamon roll.  We made it to Watson Lake, Yukon by 10:15 this morning and walked through the Famous Sign Forest which is years and years of street, personal and road signs posted by travelers using the ALCAN Hwy.  Today was the B & B day.  After we left Watson Lake we saw about 6 Black Bears within 1 hour and then a herd of Bison along with Stone Sheep and one lone Moose feeding in a roadside pond.  We stopped at the well known Liard Hot Springs and took a nice long dip in the mineral hot springs with all the locals.  It felt wonderful.  We stayed and had a picnic lunch and then back on the road.  We were finally getting close to our destination Ft. Nelson when Buddy realized we were just about out of gas. Thank goodness for spare gas cans.  We made it to our campground for hot showers, laundry, and trying to catch up with Blogging.  Hopefully soon, I will be able to add some pics.  Tommorw we are headed toward Dawson Creek, then making our way to Edmonton and then Calgary over the next few days.

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