Monday, July 25, 2011

Sat July 23 - Day 18

Indian Valley Meats...The Funny meat store

Yum...dinner is a coming

Another spectacular drive through the mountains

Quick set up, grill dinner then to bed
 We are up and out of Seward by 8:00 am this morning.  Heading to Valdez, but will probably only make it maybe 3/4 of the way...long drive.  But we did stop at the Funny Meat Market (Linette knowns) along the way and shipped home some Elk, Caribou, Bison and Venison Steaks to enjoy when we get back.  Then a pit stop in Anchorage again for gas, groceries and Internet at McDonald's.  We made it about 313 miles today, but took us 9 hrs.  The Glennallen Hwy was very slow and curvy.  We stayed at the Dry Creek State Campground for $15, again in the rain.  Cooked up some sausage with red beans and rice.  Nite all :-)

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