Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wed. July 20th - Day 15

Fish on.....I see color!!

Bringing it arms are so sore!

Finally, I got a good picture of the Bald Eagle and her nest

This was the 6th Eagle of our trip

Our catch of the day....this equaled about 20 1bs. of fillets
We had a fantastic day on our 4 1/2 hour Halibut fishing trip out of Homer, AK.  We went out 26 miles and both caught our limit of 2 Halibut each within an hour.  Our fishing lines had 2 lb weights on them and went down about 150 feet.  I couldn't believe how much work it was to bring in these fish and mine was only about 20 lbs.  The deck hands, Matt and Josh were really on their toes and very hard workers.  There was 12 of us on the boat (The Whistler) and they kept us busy.  When we docked they had our fish sent to be processed and it will be fillet into 1 lb packages, frozen and shipped home next Monday and arrive on Tuesday. Then on the way back to camp we saw our 6th Bald Eagle and got a great picture.  Time for Buddy to grill up a piece of our fresh Halibut for dinner and go take a HOT SHOWER!!  Enjoy the pics.  Nite all :-)

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