Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 5 Sunday July 10th

Hi Everyone,    Sorry the picture thing is not working with this Blog. Will try to put some on facebook.  We made it up to Smithers B.C. this morning almost 2,000 miles already.  We dry camped last night in Fraser Lake area, what a beautiful campground.  The trip is going well, except we haven't seen 1 moose yet.  Alot of deer and 2 black bears so far.  We are going to try and make it to the Yukon by tomorrow morning and should be in Alaska by Wed.  Things are a little more expensive in Canada then at home.    Gas is just under 5.00 per gallon.  We have seen hundreds of horses and cows in open ranges full of wild flowers and grass.  It still feels like Spring up here.  Lots of roadside flowers, tall grasses and millions of thick trees.   GREEN, GREEN, GREEN!!!!!!!!!  We'll write again when we have internet.   AWESOME TRIP, AWESOME EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!

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